There are times in life when we question our destiny.. When we question God.. And look around for answers.. The best way to hear them is to connect with the nature.. Connect with things that are pure.. Things that have God written across them... And you will find your answers and peace along with it :)
The force talks to us all the time.. Giving us signs and signals all we need is to keep our eyes and ears open.. Else we will end up lik Jim Carrey from Bruce Almighty.. (the beginining part of the movie only)
The wind blows gently..
It tells me to be quiet,
She wades me through a path,
Drops near a river wide.
Splashing the stones,the water gurgling
The birds chirping, the leaves rustling...
The Sound Of God I can hear..
The Sound Of My Lord I can hear.
The whiteness of sky with tinge of blue..
The jewel like green,the grass with dew...
The dusky night ,the dawny day..
The space is filled with sunshine rays..
Hope, happiness is all I see..
The love of nature embraces me..
"You believe in me,,You also believe in Thee."
The glory ,the warmth is all i feel..
As I know God is near me..
This is the Sound Of God I hear..
This is the Sound Of My Lord i hear.
Waheguru Jee :)
Lovely thoughts... Cheerful and more like a song. Loved it.
- Iniyaal
thanks.. it has a tune too :)
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